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Innovation by Design - SPIN-SYD @ Sony Mobile!

Innovation By Design

Now with participation of the makers of Tellstick and Crazyflie!

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Simona Maschi

Keynote by Simona Maschi, Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design

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På allmän begäran har vi information på både svenska och engelska.

Alla föredrag är dock på engelska av hänsyn till våra engelskspråkiga deltagare.
All presentations will be held in English in honor of our English speaking guests


Hur går vi hela vägen från idé till succé?

Hur ser innovation ut, egentligen?

Är innovation annorlunda i startups/småföretag än stora företag som Ericsson, Sony, Blackberry?

Fysiska produkter: Hur kan man vara både innovativ och Agile i snabba cykler?

Hur får man den goda idén att bli bästsäljare hos Kjell&Co?

Hur skiljer sig kraven på bästsäljare i det lilla företaget från motsvarande hos Ericsson, Sony, Blackberry?

Är hårdvaruinnovationer faktiskt lättare att lyckas med, än ännu en app som drunknar i utbudet?


What does Innovation look like?

Is Innovation different in small companies than in big ones like Ericsson, Sony, Blackberry?

Physcial hardware products: How does that differ from innovations that are just software/apps?

What does it take to put your innovation into all stores of a major technical retail chain?

Is an innovative hardware product actually a more likely success, than yet another app among close to a million each in Appstore/Google Play?


The Long Tail

Alla kan få sälja något i det stora utbudet på nätet enligt boken ”The Long Tail”.

För den som inte har märkt det: Idag kan du köpa nästan vad som helst på Amazon, böcker är bara en liten del av utbudet. Allt helt enligt de ekonomiska modellerna i The Long Tail, där mellanhänder som Amazon och Blocket tjänar på själva transaktionsvolymen.  Men det är inte all säkert att den enskild producenten går plus, långt mindre kan leva på sin produkt.

Lite som att de som blev rika på guldruschen i Klondyke var de som sålde spadar och hackor till alla förhoppningsfulla guldgrävare.

Näthandlare och betalningsförmedlare som Amazon tjänar på den gigantiska mångfalden enligt ”The Long Tail” men ca hälften av jätteutbudet når inte nivåer där man kan leva på sina produkter vare sig det är böcker eller fantastiska uppfinningar.

Men hur förvandlar vi då våra drömmar och idéer till livskraftiga produkter som man kan ha som yrkesverksamhet snarare än hobbyverksamhet, antingen för vår arbetsgivare i det stora eller lilla bolaget eller i den egna firman?

The Wired article ”The Long Tail”, later expanded into a NY Times bestseller book, tells us that roughly half of what is bought on Amazon, Ebay, et al is low volume niche products where each product never reaches a significant volume but the combined mass of transactions is important to middlemen like Amazon who handles ordering and payment for literally millions of niche products, many from small part time/midnight oil companies. Just putting out the product on one or several websites is tempting, but how about putting one in every household by getting to know how to make it in retail store channels? It is great to make a sale through Amazon, Ebay and others that profit from transaction volume. But remember that selling shovels was the best way to make a fortune in the Gold Rush.

Torsdagen den 16/5 kommer vi att täcka hela kedjan från effektiv, innovativ, produktutveckling med inspiration från Design Thinking med Simona Maschi till vad som krävs för att sälja produkten med lönsamhet i kanaler som  Kjell&Co och därmed tjäna reda pengar ute på marknaden. Vi kommer att bli varse om den växelverkan mellan alla parter, co-creation, som krävs för att vara riktigt framgångsrik.

On Thursday May 16 we will cover the whole chain from effective, innovative, product development with inspiration from Design Thinking by Simona Maschi, to what it takes to be sucessful in a demanding retail channel. We will learn to value the necessary unilateral interaction between all parties, co-creation, that is vital to be really sucessful


Simona Maschi

Hitta idéer och lösningar

Vi börjar med vår keynote Simona Maschi en profil inom innovation/design från CIID i Köpenhamn som bl a kommer att betona begreppet ”co-creation”. Dvs när det varken är marknad eller teknik som styr, alla parter samlas kring en tydlig utmaning och samverkar för att skapa en bra produkt. Det som krävs är ett starkt engagemang från alla, vilket särskilt i större företag blir en högprioriterad ledarskapsfråga. Fråga gärna i dig själv och dina kolleger: Sker innovation trots eller tack vare ledarskapet i vårt företag?

Igniting the creative process

We start with the keynote from innovation/design expert Simona Maschi from CIID in Copenhagen. To Simona, co-creation is not only an approach; it is a core value of modern innovation.  Co-creation: all parties gather around an exciting challenge. We thus need leaders that can ignite excitement and challenge teams with good people. You might ask yourself and your coworkers: Does innovation happen because of, or despite, our organizations current leadership?

TellStick by Telldus

Telldus from Lund will participate and tell us about their journey with Tellstick since 2005, now well known  and established with international distribution

Från Innovation till Produkt

Effektiv Innovation kräver idéer, kunskaper, beslutsamhet med också kännedom om praktiska begränsningar. Begränsningarna är faktiskt en viktig del av innovationsprocessen. Utan begränsningar blir det bara flum. Att innovativt bemästra begränsningar är som skillnaden på att sitta på konstnärskaféer och snacka om det stora genombrottet eller att vara den stora konstnären. Begränsningar tar ner oss på jorden och ger oss konkreta ankare för våra tankeprocesser.

Systemtänkaren Dave Snowden går så långt att han pratar om ”svält” som en nödvändig del av innovation. Något i stil med att ”Nöden är uppfinningarnas moder”.
Jag tycker personligen att Dave går lite väl långt i sin retorik, men döm gärna själva:

Crazyflie by BitCraze

BitCraze from Malmö will participate and tell us the story about their nano quadcopter Crazyflie that is now manufactured and sold from China

Transforming Innovations to Products

To innovate you need ideas, skills, knowledge, determination, but also intimate knowledge of the constraints. Constraints is actually vital to innovation!

Systems thinker Dave Snowden take this a step further: He argues that ”starvation” is a vital precursor to effective innovation.
I personally think that he takes it a step to far.
Judge for yourself: Here is Dave's excellent video on Innovation with Apollo 13 as  a case study:

Your Product at Sweden largest tech retailer!

We share 10 tips for innovators to make a product sellable by Marcus Dahlenius - product manager at Kjell & Company - Sweden's premiers tech retailer with 70 stores

Knyt ihop säcken

Hur skiljer sig tänket/processen när det gäller en ny egenskap i en mobiltelefon jämfört med att få en fristående produkt från ett litet företag att hamna på hyllan hos Kjell&Co?

Vi har fått VÄLDIGT jordnära tips från Marcus Dahlenius, en av Kjell&Cos grundare och veteran på inköp av nya produkter för hela Kjell&Co-kedjan med snart 70 butiker. Marcus berättade att han nästan dagligen kontaktas av förhoppningsfulla uppfinnare som vill få in sin produkt i Kjell&Co-katalogen. Men Kjell&Co har som policy att lagerföra de flesta artiklarna i alal sina butiker, vilket ställer helt andra krav än enbart näthandel. Kjell & Co’s 10 punkter för produktinnovatörer är en checklista för att din fina idé skall gå att sälja handlar om allt från priskalkyl till blyfri elektroniktillverkning och smarta förpackningar. Att din produkt är briljant är bara första steget.


Making Ends Meet – The Contraints that leads to Success

What is similar and what differs in adding a novel feature to the next generation of mobile phone and making it as an independent product without a major brand? We have received a very valuable checklist on how to make it in to the ctatlog at store shelves of Swedens leading specialty tech product store, Kjell&Co. Marcus Dahlenius, co-founder and a veteran procurer of new products for all of the retail chains ~70 stores, told us that he get contacted by wishful innovators almost daily. He has compiled a checklist of 10 points that most innovators miss when they aspire to make it into the catalogue and stores of Kjell&Co. That you product is bhrilliant is just a first babystep.


Agenda Thursday May 16, 2013:

13:30 - 14:00 internal SPIN Planning

14:30 Doors opening for the pre-registered audience.

15:00 5 minute roadmap for the rest of the day
/5 minuters roadmap över dagen.
Presentation in the Ignite format: 20slidesx15sec = 5 minutes sharp with Erik Lundh.

15:10 Keynote: Innovation by Design
Simona Maschi, co-founder, Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design.
Links to indepth CIID info here.

15:55 Paus/Break

16:10 Innovation in Your Company
/Innovation i Ditt Företag
Perspectives on practical innovation from Ericsson INNOVA, mobile makers like Sony Mobile and a few smaller companies.
What prompted Ericsson to invest in the INNOVA program?
What is practical innovation to mobile makers like Sony Mobile and Blackberry?

How do you work in a small company with just one or a few products?
Pros and cons of being small and big?

16.55 Paus/Break

17.10 Making Ends Meet – Getting Your Innovation Into Every Home  - With A profit
/Knyt ihop säcken - Vägen ut till marknaden – med lönsamhet.

Both big and small companies need innovations. But your situation as an innovative engineer is radically different if you are part of a big multinational development organization or a small startup. Or is it? Both big and small companies thrive on innovation when they master their constraints in a co-creation climate. We examine actual constraints to make it big – like the 10 point checklist for innovators to make it into the 70 Kjell&Co stores – Swedens premier technical

17.55 Paus/Break
Coffee and sandwiches will be available.

18.10 Open discussion – Merging the best of Big and Small Company Innovation flows

19.00 Doors closing - Goodbye

Details on Keynote: Innovation by Design

Simona Maschi, co-founder, Copenhagen Institute of Interaction Design (

Innovation is crucial to business and people are crucial to innovation.

People are in fact at the center of our innovation process: we design for them, and with them, we co-create new ideas for products and services that better answer market needs.

There are many different ways of approaching innovation. Amongst them two have been successfully applied: market pull innovation and technology push innovation. Market pull innovation happens when a company reacts to an emerging market demand. Technology push innovation happens when a company uses technology to open up new possibilities for products and services, thus generating a new demand in the market.

This talk aims at provoking an alternative approach to innovation: a people-centered approach, where innovation is inspired and co-created with the people who will eventually use the new products or services.  This way of looking at innovation can reduce the risk of failure in the market place, by increasing customer satisfaction.

This talk will explore story-telling and experience prototyping in particular as a tool for co-creation and knowledge sharing in innovation processes

A few of our presenters:

simona maschi sized

Keynote speaker SIMONA MASCHI’s main focus is on envisioning future scenarios and experiences for people’s everyday life. In particular, she designs new concepts of services enabled by innovative technologies for both the public and the private sector. She is interested in new design solutions that support companies towards a stronger attitude to environmental and social responsibility. Her later work in collaboration with academia and industry has explored many different, important topics; such as private and public transportation, health and wellbeing and sustainable housing.

Simona is an expert in Service Design, Scenario Design and Design Methods. Most recently she has been teaching at Denmarks Design Skole and was an external lecturer at IT University of Copenhagen, co-teaching a course in Interaction Design with Heather Martin. She was also a lecturer at the Politecnico University in Milan. Until June 2006 she was an Associate Professor and researcher at the Interaction Design Institute, Ivrea. She has been a visiting lecturer in European and American schools, an invited lecturer and trainer at international design workshops, and is an active co-organiser of conferences, seminars and workshops.

Simona has a PhD in Industrial Design and Multimedia Communication from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy (2002). She was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Design at Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago (2002) and has an MA in Architecture from the Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy (1996).


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KARL-MAGNUS MÖLLER:  Design Thinker. Passionate about people, communication and innovation. trying to make 99% realize that they are creative and overcome their fear of failure.

Karl-Magnus is Technical Specialist at Ericsson, working as Innovation Specialist within Development Unit IP and Broadband.

Karl-Magnus' fifteen years of experience ranges from Software, Hardware, Test and System development for the ICT, automotive and process industries. He has participated in introducing agile ways of working as Software developer as well as team leader.

For the past seven years his main interest has been related to team and change leadership, group dynamics and innovation facilitation.

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ERIK LUNDH has some 30 years of experience in software development. Erik started as an apprentice in an innovation firm 1980, saw software as just another enabler to turn innovations into products faster, and has since worked with mature innovation flows as well as start-ups, from small to large organizations such as Ericsson, ABB and SAAB Group.

Erik programmed industrial just-in-time (Lean) systems in the 1980’s, was a “process and management guy” in the 1990’s, and spent the fun part of the 2000’s as an agile evangelist and coach. In 2006 Erik was invited as the only external executive level agile expert to Ericsson’s first major agile transformation of 2300 R&D people at 10 sites in 5 countries. As one of the first true agile pioneers in Sweden since 2000, Erik was elected by a community of agile veterans as the general chair of the 13th year of the original agile European conference “XP2012 – Agile by Design” held in Malmö, Sweden May 21-25, 2012. Erik whole-heartedly recommends Agile and Lean approaches, but not Scrum or Kanban, to any organization that he wants to work with. To Erik, Agile and Lean is not about window dressing on a waterfall mindset or turning the workplace into a soul-eating factory/sweatshop.

Erik designed, built and operates his own fiber-connected server room with a private cloud linux/xen-cluster at his 250 year old family farm out on the peninsula of Kullen. You can also find a few small embedded linux systems doing chores around the farm. These utilities and other more playful software/hardware projects has since mid-2012 been powered by a growing number of Raspberry PIs.

Location & Registration

Tid: Torsdag 16 maj 2013
Sony Mobile i Lund
Kl 14:30 - max 19:00

Plats: Loch/Ness i Glasgow (dvs i ”nya” Sony-byggnaden vid vattentornet, Mobilvägen 4, Lund)
Anmäl er i receptionen som gäst till Ulf Asklund och SPIN-arrangemang.
Anmälan: Senast tisdag 14 maj 2013

Ange med kryss i anmälningsformuläret om du kommer redan till planeringen kl 13.30.

Anmäl dig här!


Thursday May 16 2013
Sony Mobile in Lund
Door opens at 14:30, Closes 19:00

Location: Loch/Ness in Sony Mobile building Glasgow (the ”new” Sony-building, Mobilvägen 4, Lund)
Register in the reception as a guest of Ulf Asklund/SPIN.
Register no later than: Tuesday May 14 2013.


Register Here!


Inspiring Videos

TED Talk by CIID co-founder Vinay Venkatraman: “Technology crafts” for the digitally underserved

RSA Animate summary of the Steven Johnson book WHERE DOES GOOD IDEAS COME FROM?

Google Talk by Chris Anderson (of Wired magazine fame, author of The Long Tail) on his new book “Makers: The New Industrial Revolution” with a lot on capturing and transforming your ideas into products. Chris Anderson turned his DIY mashup UAV hobby into a successful tech company 3D Robotics. Anderson recently resigned as editor of Wired to work fulltime as CEO of his “hobby” company 3D Robotics, makers of DIY Unmanned Aerial Vehicles.